Anya's September Product Round Up

A little detour from nails and beauty...

Two weeks ago my guy (henceforth known as MG) and I headed over to Indianapolis for a little shopping. We stumbled on Trader Joe's near Keystone. I'd heard of this place, and been given items from it, but I'd never been in one. So we pulled into the lot, hopped out into the pouring rain (the first in months), and headed inside.

This place is great. I wish we had one near us.
I liked just about everything about the store, well all except the buckets stationed at regular intervals to collect the rainwater dripping from the ceiling.

Here's the highlight of what we bought:
Fleur de Sel Caramels
Dark Chocolate covered Ginger
Balsamic Vinaigrette
Several bottles of misc spices
Fingerling potatoes

I've yet to open the vinaigrette but I'm sure it's great. The caramels are delicious (I only have one left). The ginger, not so much, that was MG's buy. He likes them. That's all that matters.

Next are two limited edition, seasonal items we've discovered at Walmart and the like. 
The first is Pepperidge Farm's Caramel Apple Pie cookies.

They're basically soft, yummy oatmeal cookies that taste like apples with a few caramel chips.
I'll be honest, though they're good, there's hardly any caramel taste. If they'd marketed these as oatmeal apple cookies I'd have liked them but my expectations were too high.
Especially considering our NEXT find.

Milky Way Caramel Apple Minis.
Oh. My.
These things are perfect. They're exactly what they say they are.
Milky Ways that taste like caramel apples.
Go forth. Buy. Eat. And hate me for how awesome these are.

A cross section of one of these babies. 
This is half of one. They're the mini size, so about 1" by 1"

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap that looks yummy. I've never been to Trader Joes before, though I keep hearing they will be opening one in Dallas sometime. I'll have to check it out :)
