Boyfriend Does My Make Up - Picture Heavy

I asked my boyfriend if he would do the Boyfriend Does My Make Up challenge for the blog and he agreed. He couldn't figure out how to do the video (it kept shooting in macro and we couldn't find a good place for the camera) so he settled on taking a ton of pictures. Here's a below and after and underneath that will be the in between stages. Enjoy!

Here is the spread that he had to choose from.
Boyfriend decided to apply foundation with a latex glove and paper towel.
Side note: He's in graphic design - he did that portrait of himself for art school lol

 Foundation: Kat Von D
Bottom lip: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream
Top Lip: Tarte LipSurgence - Moody
 Eyeliner: Urban Decay - Invasion
 Bf trying to make both eyes the same
 He got pretty close to matching both eyes lol
Mascara: Benefit - They're Real
This part was super scary. He tried twice before he just held the mascara wand on my lashes and told me to close my eyes.

 Eye Shadow: Urban Decay (shade: Stalker - I think)
  Bf added more eye shadow: NARS

 Highlight: Laura Geller Blush N Brighten (used the highlight section only)

All in all I think he did a pretty good job!
Leave a comment with any make up challenges you want me to try and I'll convince the boyfriend to help or participate ;)


  1. HAHA the best picture is of him putting gloves on!! How clever of him to do 2 different lip colors. That's a graphic designer for you ;)

    Nice job!

    1. When he put the glove on I was like oh man, he's going to put a ton on me *scared*

  2. Oh...can you imagine him doing falsies? LOL!

    1. Next time I'll do a video of him apply false lashes on me mwhahahaha

  3. wow, fair play, he did a great job! Particularly love the detail of the two toned lips. And he did your eyes better than we do ours...worrying. Love that he donned the rubber gloves and used tissue :D *gives him round of applause*

  4. Not bad! Good job, the blue latex gloves had me chuckling, it's like he's going to tattoo you or something.
