August 2013 Loot Crate

I got my August Loot Crate in the mail today! I'm super excited, the theme this month was Cake. Which of course means Portal. If you're not aware, I'm a huge fan of Portal, and the song gets stuck in my head quite frequently. Not sure what song I mean, here you go!
Anyway on to what I received in my box this month.

Caffeine Power Up Shirt - Shirt.Woot!
Aperture Laboratories Lanyard - Crowded Coop and Value
Aperture Laboratories Test Subject Wristband - Crowded Coop and Value
Aperture Laboratories Temporary Tattoo - Crowded Coop and Value
AMC Walking Dead Mystery Mini - Funko and AMC
Loot Crate Sticker Set - Loot Crate Labs
Jelly Beans - Jelly Belly

If I wind up using the temporary tattoo, I'll make sure to use it on either my or my boyfriend's forehead and upload a picture.

Wanna sign up for Loot Crate and use my referral code because you love me? HERE is the link.


  1. Cool loot and I'm looking forward to seeing that tattooed picture of your boyfriend.


  2. Definitely post the tattoo pic like Braine said :D
