July 2013 Ipsy Spoiler / Sneak Peek

Woohoo! We have our first spoiler for the July Ipsy bag. Is anyone else super excited?

As of 6/21 the waitlist is gone and you can subscribe right now. Here's my referral link if you want to use it :)  Looks like the waitlist is back up.

1. Benefit Cosmetics - Benetint (Variation item, see below for more details)
2. Pop Beauty - Pouty Pop Crayon (Pop Beauty posted about it on their facebook)
3. Coola - Mineral Face SPF 20 Rose Essence Tinted Moisturizer
4. BH Cosmetics - California Collection Eyeshadow Sample

I got the below picture from Zadidoll - it was found on Instagram. Not sure if it's leaked but this is possibly the bag and some of the variation items!! (Zadidoll said it was sent to her from a source who wants to remain anonymous.)
5. Sexy Hair - Weather Proof Humidity Resistant Spray, Healthy Sexy Hair - Soy Renewal Beach Spray

6. Variation items: Benefit - Benetintderma e - Microdermabrasion ScrubDemeter - Salt Air Perfume Roll OnNailtini - Nail Lacquer (Mai Tai) (Only ONE of these products will be in your bag according to Ipsy's facebook)

Number of items in July Ipsy bag: 5? The potential spoiler picture above has 6 items so who knows... :)

The Bag:
It looks like the above possible spoiler picture was correct, we are getting that bag! :)