Mel's November 2013 Loot Crate

I was super excited yesterday when I checked the mail and saw my Loot Crate box! This month's theme is CELEBRATE.

1) Comedy Central & Beatz Buddiez - South Park Rechargeable Mobile Speaker - Kenny
I think my boyfriend will enjoy this and will probably use it for his iPad or iPhone.

2) DC Comics & Dynomighty - Batman Tyvek Mighty Wallet
Loving this wallet!!! I'm a fan of Batman, so this is going to be used immediately.

3) Bicycle - Premium Playing Cards
Ehhh, these are okay, I can't remember the last time I played a game with cards.

4) General Mills - BFAST Breakfast Shake - Berry
Boyfriend took this from me the second I opened the box, which is why it isn't pictured.

5) Loot Crate Labs - First Person Shooter Glass
I think this is quite clever. Shot... Glass. :)

6) Loot Crate Labs - Doctor Balloon
While I am a huge fan of Dr. Who, I'm not so into the little stickers or balloons that I won't be using.

7) Loot Crate Labs - Police Box Wall Graphic
Also not pictured, but I'm not a fan of the stickers and such.


  1. Kenny! This isn't impressive as some of your others, but still cool

  2. Do you guys buy these things including all the make up you feature here? Dang, your beauty boxes must be hella full!
