I Love Nail Polish - Pre-ordered polishes


I pre-ordered three polishes from I Love Nail Polish last month and got a fourth polish free (Absolute Zero).

The colors I got are:
  • Purgatory "is an eerily deep and dark teal polish loaded with the perfect combination of sparkle and multichrome effect pigments."
  • Mutagen (H) "is a holographic version of the original Mutagen Ultra Chrome polish!"
  • Absolute Zero "is a fantastic dark slate blue nail polish with an near metallic appearing finish." This was the free one, and isn't actually for sale.
  • Admire Me "is an insanely cute teal polish loaded with holographic and sparkly goodness." 
Here they are in the bottles:

Here are swatches:

Admire Me

Mutagen (H)

Absolute Zero


You can't tell in these pictures, but this one is almost black unless its in direct light. When it's in light, it looks teal like this.

Though these are some fairly neat colors, I was a little disappointed. I'd expected more of a holographic effect on them. That said, if ILNP has another sale like this in the future, I could be persuaded to buy more!

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