This week's manis


I did two more Manis with the help of the DRK-A stamp plate.

Top features China Glaze "Grape Pop" and Julep "Harley"

Bottom features Essie "Lady Like" and ORLY "Rage"

Julep Polish Stamping Tests

I have a whole drawer of Julep polishes I regularly forget exist. So while watching TV, I decided to try stamping with a few of them. Here are the ones I tried with a design from the DRK-A plate I posted about in my last post.
  • Thumb - Cindy
  • Index Finger - Etta
  • Middle Finger - Maya
  • Ring Finger - Melanie
  • Pinky - Alice

MG does Anya's makeup (Picture heavy)

Melissa challenged my guy (MG) and I to the "BF does my makeup" makeup challenge last week. She's already posted hers and it's GREAT.

Last night I asked MG if he wanted everything I had or just a few makeup products.
His response was, "Well, I'm colorblind so..."
I said, "That's half the fun."
MG: "Well, okay then."
Me: "Do you want to see the stuff so you can research it?"
MG: "Nah, I'll wing it."

So today I grabbed my stash of makeup and dropped it on the coffee table for him. He picked most of them up, assuming there'd be directions. HAH. I had to gather them into piles so he'd know which was which (that cheater).

I had him take a few before shots.

First we had a difference of opinion on whether or not I needed foundation. MG says, "You look better without that crap. With it you look plasticy." Cue the awwww's.

I told him there was NO way my pictures would go up on the Internet without foundation...and then I had him take before shots sans foundation. Yeah, I'm not terribly bright.

Eight minutes later, this was me after a reluctant application of Smashbox PhotoFinish Luminizing Primer and Revlon Colorstay Foundation (and a goofy-ass smile):

MG was wigged out that he had to use his fingers for the primer. I gave him the option of using a brush for the foundation but he opted for his fingers again.

Next MG decided it was time for eyeliner. He chose Mica Cosmetics' Gel Eyeliner. He complained quite a bit about how hard the eyeliner brush's bristles were. I gave him two other choices he declared were either "too plasticy" or "made of metal".

Initially he made me cuddle up under his armpit. He'd intended to curl his arm around my face from the other side and apply the liner that way. As if we were seated at a movie theater with him copping a feel. But I couldn't stop laughing and he couldn't quite reach. So he decided the only way it would work was if I straddled him. *rolls her eyes*

So up I popped onto his lap so he could line my eyes.

Halfway through he says, "It looks really, really bad. It looks like an epileptic 90-year-old man with Alzheimer's and..."
Me: "I do? Or it looks like that person did my eyes?"
MG: "Yeah."
Me: "Which one?"
MG: "Yes."
Me: *laughs*
MG: "Cuz the line's all wavy and there's missed spots."
Me:  "So it looks like one epileptic 90-year-old man did another epileptic 90-year-old man's eyes?"
MG: "Yeah."

MG on trying to touch up my eyeliner: "I don't think you're gonna be table-top quality. More like Slop-n-Go." [of RPG mini painting]

Here's the after shot with the eyeliner (10 minutes after the last picture):

Next MG picked a eyeshadow palette, Maybelline Eyestudio "Forest Fury". It took him a mere seven minutes to apply the shadow (and glitter).

At this point MG says: "I'm just gonna go pack a suitcase."

Add another four minutes for benefit's "They're Real!" mascara in which he was way more worked up about being "near my eye" than I was.

Then he did lipgloss BareMinerals Marvelous Moxi in "Dare Devil".

MG: "Hey, I did these [my lips] well. I'm just gonna claim victory. We should just take pictures of only your'll be like that one commercial with the lips."
Me: "Limoncelllllooo."
MG: "No, that animated one...where the lips are cut out..."
Me: "DQ?"
MG: "Is it DQ? With the buck teeth?"
Me: "Are you saying I have buck teeth?"
MG: "No, but... I'm saying the rest of the picture is gonna creep through. It'll be like Chuckie. And it won't die. So even though it's not in the picture, it'll show up when people see 'em."
Me: *shakes her head and laughs*
MG: "You know in the right lighting, you'd just look like a teenage goth girl."
Me: "Teenage?"
MG: "Yeah, cuz they don't know how to do makeup yet."

I reminded him he hadn't done blush. He busts out and says, "You sure you really want me to do that much surface area?" He picked a pale Stila blush from the "dream in full color" palette specifically so it wouldn't be seen. That involved him holding the palette up to my head, eyeballing which hue was the least offensive.

So here's the FINAL, Joker-esque end product after 40 minutes:

MG suggested I let him poke my eyes out before I looked at these photos. He was really way more worked up about it than I ever was. 

I took one look at my face and busted out. I shouted, "CLOWN!" MG says, "No clown ever looked this scary." 

Thanks for stopping by! :)

Julep Offer - "Treat Yourself"


Julep just sent out an e-mail about this deal. Get one of three $28 sets with your purchase of at least $25.

Boyfriend Does My Make Up - Picture Heavy

I asked my boyfriend if he would do the Boyfriend Does My Make Up challenge for the blog and he agreed. He couldn't figure out how to do the video (it kept shooting in macro and we couldn't find a good place for the camera) so he settled on taking a ton of pictures. Here's a below and after and underneath that will be the in between stages. Enjoy!

Here is the spread that he had to choose from.
Boyfriend decided to apply foundation with a latex glove and paper towel.
Side note: He's in graphic design - he did that portrait of himself for art school lol

 Foundation: Kat Von D
Bottom lip: NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream
Top Lip: Tarte LipSurgence - Moody
 Eyeliner: Urban Decay - Invasion
 Bf trying to make both eyes the same
 He got pretty close to matching both eyes lol
Mascara: Benefit - They're Real
This part was super scary. He tried twice before he just held the mascara wand on my lashes and told me to close my eyes.

 Eye Shadow: Urban Decay (shade: Stalker - I think)
  Bf added more eye shadow: NARS

 Highlight: Laura Geller Blush N Brighten (used the highlight section only)

All in all I think he did a pretty good job!
Leave a comment with any make up challenges you want me to try and I'll convince the boyfriend to help or participate ;)

Mel's May 2013 Ipsy

Uhhh yeah... This is what was in my May 2013 Ipsy bag :)
I somehow wound up with the lipstick and the lip gloss. Loving everything so far.

DRK-A stamp plate, Ninja Polish XL Stamper AND this week's Mani


I saw this DRK-A plate on Ninja Polish's web site months ago but it was more expensive than I could afford at the time. Then it went out of stock! They finally emailed me last month. Luckily this time it was in stock when I had the money.

I went ahead and grabbed the Ninja Polish XL Stamper too because the stamper was larger and white (the red one I have makes stamping with red polishes almost impossible).

The plate isn't as big as I thought it would be but the designs are huge. I've only used one so far, the spider web design. I also used the new stamp. Both were amazing!

Here's a shot of the mani (with ORLY "Black Vinyl" and Julep's "Zelda")

Update May 26 - XL Stamper set

I forgot to mention that I also bought the XL stamper because of the scrapers included in the package. They are all plastic instead of plastic with a metal scraper edge. The plastic doesn't scratch up the plates when scraping (which is important to me). They work better than the old credit card I'd been using. 

Because of this and the ease of use, I highly suggest this package (Ninja Polish XL Stamper) instead of the Konad ones you can buy on Amazon, etc. The stamper is extra squishy and extra large. It has worked beautifully every time I've used it.

The only cons I'd mention for the Ninja polish version of this set is that the white squishy stamp that comes with it tends to pop out and it collects dust/cat hair that is a little hard to clean off.

I've read reviews of people having problems using it compared to the harder ones. I didn't have any problem but then I have been stamping for a year now. But it comes with the red, harder version of the big stamp too so there's really no reason not to get this deal.

May 2013 Loot Crate

I've been subscribed to Loot Crate for 3 months now and love it! Loot Crate is a geek/gamer subscription box that costs $13.37 a month, plus (around) $6 for shipping. My boyfriend who never understood why I subscribe to make up boxes absolutely loves this box. He always asks me when it will ship (around the 20th every month).

This month the theme was Equip. Please note the theme changes monthly.

Anya's May Ipsy Box


May's Ipsy box was an incredible value.

  • NuMe's Finishing Serum
  • Zoya Professional Lacquer in "Julie" (full-sized)
  • Pacifica Tahitian Gardenia Perfume roll-on (full-sized)
  • juice Beauty "champagne"
  • yaby concealer in "buff"

NuMe's Finishing Serum

The bottle says, Massage 2-3 drops on to palms and evenly distribute through wet or dry hair. Reapply to finished look to add shine and accentuate your color. I didn't notice this doing a whole lot for me on dry hair after I straightened my hair. The luminous shine mist from my Sample Society box did a better job than this stuff. I'll probably try it on wet hair and see how it does.

Pacifica Tahitian Gardenia Perfume roll-on

This stuff is wonderful. I'm in love with the scent. And this is my first roll-on--love it! Pacifica's web site has this to say about the scent: It's sweet, smooth and slightly citrusy aroma is reminiscent of Jasmine, Sweet Orange and Tea Leaves. Whatever it is, it's a new favorite. This is the full-sized roll-on and worth $12.

juice Beauty Gloss

I believe this is their "Reflecting Gloss" but the tube doesn't say and it didn't come in a box. I'm not sure if I'll want to keep this one or not so I haven't tried it yet. I suspect I'll give in and try.

yaby concealer in "buff"

Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to try this one out yet.

Zoya Professional Lacquer in "Julie"

This full-sized polish is a pale lavender color that requires at last two coats to cover. Below is a picture of one coat of the color on my left hand and two coats on my right. Not too impressed by this one since it requires multiple coats.

However I am impressed that Ipsy sent us this bottle worth $8 PLUS the full-sized Pacifica and all the other products. Ipsy has once again proved itself to be THE best subscription beauty box.

Sample Society's May Box


The contents of May's Sample Society box are:
  • Alterna Bamboo Shine Luminous Shine Mist
  • dr. brandt BB cream
  • jane iredale Just Kissed Lip & Cheek Stain "Forever Pink"
  • Yu-Be Moisturizing Skin Cream
  • Kate Somerville Somerville360° Body Tanning Towelettes
I wasn't terribly thrilled with this month's box hence why it's taken me forever to post about it even though I've had it since around the 2nd or 3rd.

I've tried out two of the products so far. The BB cream and the luminous shine mist. I don't have plans to try the others because I'm not into tanning, pink isn't my color and the skin cream's tube is a little scary.

dr. brandt BB cream

This BB cream was heavy, like a foundation. And even though this claims to have: Flexitone™, Dr. Brandt's tone-blending technology, to perfect and correct most skintones, textures, and types, it "blended" into an icky orange hue on my light skin. This is definitely not the best BB cream I've tried.

Alterna Bamboo Shine Luminous Shine Mist

This does a credible job making my hair shine. That said, I've only used it twice. I've not really had an urge to try it again.

Smashbox Limitless Lip Stain & Color Seal Balm

I forgot to post about the Smashbox Limitless Lip Stain & Color Seal Balm that I bought a few weeks/month or so ago at Nordstrom Rack. I've used this at least once or twice a week since I bought it and love it! The stain side is like a marker and the color goes on without being patchy. It does leave my lips dry (like most stains) so I use the color seal balm side to give it a little bit of moisture plus a tiny bit of additional color. The color I bought was Petal. All in all I really enjoy using this product and it's one of the better lip stains I've purchased.

Huge box of nerds


I love Nerds.

So when Melissa found this baby at Urban Outfitters a few months ago and snapped a photo of her boyfriend holding it I knew I had to have it...some day. Trouble is...I had no idea where there was an Urban Outfitters near me. I hadn't realized they had storefronts until then!

Saturday in the middle of a marathon of Half Price Books trips (3 stores, 1 day), we passed the Fashion mall at Keystone. This mall is the mecca of all things hoity toity. If it's a designer label, chances are they have a store at this mall.

Better yet, that was where I bought my Macbook the only Apple store near me.

One of MG's friends had told us the Apple store had closed. I was gutted! Now where would I get instant Apple gratification?

There was a cop behind us as we passed the mall and MG was in a weird mood so he veered into the parking lot upon me saying "Hey, we could go in and see if the Apple store is there and you could buy me a Macbook Air 11". While the Apple store DOES still exist, I only got to fondle a Macbook Air for a few seconds...but I did discover an Urban Outfitters!

At Urban Outfitters I got 1.5 pounds of Nerds for $25. And got to see MG and his buddy Rob standing around uncomfortably amidst a sea of hipsters.

There's a regular sized Nerds box shown in the above photo for scale. (It's a special one our bud Tara sent from Canada that has English AND French on it). There are something like 52 snack-sized boxes inside the big box. And the big box opens exactly like the regular sized ones.

That ought to keep me sugared up for a few years :D

China Glaze - Holographic - "Don't Be a Luna-Tic"


Saturday we were in Indy for Ironman 3, that meant a shopping trip. I already posted about the Ulta Nail FX kit. Here's what else I bought:

China Glazes's Holographic polish in "Don't Be a Luna-Tic"

It's hard to tell in these photos but the effect on this is much more understated than the Layla holographic or the Ulta holographic top coat. (The flash on my camera really made them pop.)

The effect is more along the lines of the Julep holographics.

These were buy 2 get 1 free but the price was a whopping $14. That's way, way too much in my opinion especially given the "understated" nature of the effect. I think Ulta may have been gouging...

Ulta Nail FX Kit


Yesterday we headed up to Indy for Iron Man 3 and I stopped at Ulta on the way back.
I discovered this intriguing set of top coats for $15. I'll confess I specifically wanted it because it claimed to have a holographic top coat. These are full-sized bottles so for $15, that's a pretty good deal.

Their web site says:
Set includes 4 topcoats with benefits ranging from extended wear, increased shine, and intensified color. Choose from matte, smokey and holographic finishes.

Here's what the box says:
  • Color Enhancing topcoat - Brightens and intensifies any nail enamel. Pops in direct sunlight and glows under black light.
  • Matte topcoat - Create a matte effect when applied over any shade.
  • Holographic topcoat - Futuristic rainbow holographic effect when used alone. Silvery holographic frost when used over any colored nail enamel.
  • Smokey topcoat - Gives any shade of polish a dark smokey effect. Extends wear and increases shine.

Here's a swatch of one coat on Julep's "Rose". 
  • Thumb = no top coat
  • Index finger = color enhancing -- this one doesn't seem to do a whole lot but I didn't try it under a black light and I didn't try it in direct sunlight.
  • Middle finger = holographic -- nice effect but it does partially cover the underlying color. I'd expected it to be a little more sheer than it is.
  • Ring finger = matte -- disappointing matte effect compared to every other matte top coat I've tried.
  • Pinky finger = smokey - Darkens the color. Supposedly makes it shinier and last longer? I didn't notice extra shine, mostly because its darker than the original color. And I didn't leave it on long enough to test the durability.


As I mentioned, this was only $15 for 4 bottles. It's a pretty good value.
Though I'm a bit disappointed the matte wasn't better with one coat but the holographic top coat probably makes up for that.

Julep May Box "Boho Glam"


May's Julep box is inspired by the roaring twenties. Just in time for the Great Gatsby movie to come out...I assume. I switched up my style profile from my usual polish-heavy "It Girl" to "Boho Glam" so I could get the lipstick trio. Here's what was in the box:
  • "Alice" - antique lilac shimmer
  • "Millie" - vintage indigo creme
  • "New York Jazz Trio"
    • mini lipstick "Tea for Two" - sheer nude shimmer
    • mini lipstick "Satin Doll" - sheer poppy
    • mini lipstick "Lady in Red" - matte crimson
  • Rose bobby pins
Lady in Red is a pretty nice red. It's billed as being the perfect hue for any skin tone...I'm not sure it's perfect for my skin tone but it's one of the best reds I've tried. Red and me just don't mesh.
The other two lip colors are sheers...I'm not really sure what the point of them is. Am I supposed to layer them over something? Who knows. I doubt they'll get used. The picture makes these look full-sized but they're not.

The bobby pins were an awesome surprise. I've tried twisting my hair along the sides of my head and using the white rose pins along them. It looks pretty cute (although a little young for me).

And here are swatches of one coat of the colors:


I also ordered an add-on of 3 polishes with my Juleps (their rewards points program). This trio included another bottle of Millie (the indigo above), and one of Zelda (Pink champagne metallic) and Etta (Art deco peridot metallic). Here's a swatch of them:

Etta was a little disappointing given how cool it looked in the bottle (green) but Zelda is beautiful. I promptly did both hands in it :D