Huge box of nerds


I love Nerds.

So when Melissa found this baby at Urban Outfitters a few months ago and snapped a photo of her boyfriend holding it I knew I had to have it...some day. Trouble is...I had no idea where there was an Urban Outfitters near me. I hadn't realized they had storefronts until then!

Saturday in the middle of a marathon of Half Price Books trips (3 stores, 1 day), we passed the Fashion mall at Keystone. This mall is the mecca of all things hoity toity. If it's a designer label, chances are they have a store at this mall.

Better yet, that was where I bought my Macbook the only Apple store near me.

One of MG's friends had told us the Apple store had closed. I was gutted! Now where would I get instant Apple gratification?

There was a cop behind us as we passed the mall and MG was in a weird mood so he veered into the parking lot upon me saying "Hey, we could go in and see if the Apple store is there and you could buy me a Macbook Air 11". While the Apple store DOES still exist, I only got to fondle a Macbook Air for a few seconds...but I did discover an Urban Outfitters!

At Urban Outfitters I got 1.5 pounds of Nerds for $25. And got to see MG and his buddy Rob standing around uncomfortably amidst a sea of hipsters.

There's a regular sized Nerds box shown in the above photo for scale. (It's a special one our bud Tara sent from Canada that has English AND French on it). There are something like 52 snack-sized boxes inside the big box. And the big box opens exactly like the regular sized ones.

That ought to keep me sugared up for a few years :D

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