Mel's October LootCrate

The theme this month was Survive (ie: Zombies). I love everything in the box this month!! Anyway onto the goodies.

1. Ewoking Dead T-Shirt by GraphicLab: Super cute, I'm surprised my boyfriend hasn't taken this yet but I'm sure he will soon.

2. The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks: I already own this book, but I'm sure I'll be gifting this copy to a friend sooner or later.

3. Outbreak Status Temporary Tattoo: There is actually a contest through LootCrate where you take a picture with either the Infected or the Safe tattoo on and the winner will get a 3 month extension (for free) of their LootCrate subscription.

4. Zombie Hunter ID by Loot Crate Labs: This is a cute little extra.

5. Love Your Guts Card by OpenMe: This is freaking adorable. The outside of the card stays "I LOVE your guts!". The inside says "Your brains are nice too!"

6. 8-Bit Zombie Buttons by Loot Crate Labs: I actually really like these. I'm rocking a skelanimal purse right now, so I'll be tossing one or two of these on it in the very near future.

7. Creepy Candy by Candy Warehouse: I got the gummy eye ball. It's a nice little Halloween treat for this months box.

8. There was also a $5 off coupon code for a purchase of $15 or more at GraphicLab

All in all I really enjoyed this month's box. The subscription is $13.37 a month and $6 for shipping/handling, so total $19.37. Do I feel that the subscription is worth it? Yes, almost all of the boxes I've received from LootCrate have been worthwhile and I enjoy them. The ones that are misses are okay, but the products get used. The value of everything in the box each month is over what I paid, so I feel it's a decent subscription service.

If you're thinking of signing up but have a question feel free to ask me below.

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