Anya's September Ipsy Bag - photos (no review...yet)


Here's what was in my Ipsy bag this month:

  • Cailyn Tinted Lip Balm in "Big Apple"
  • Nyx eye shadow in "Pure Gold"
  • Starlooks Kohl Eye Pencil in "Obsidian"
  • It's so BIG! volumizing mascara
  • Freeman Feeling Beautiful facial masques
    • Facial brightening
    • Facial purifying
    • Facial hydrating

The lip balm isn't really my color and y'all know what happened the last time I tried one of these face mask things. I likely won't try these. That means they'll go into a nice big pot for a giveaway (if my beauty bag buddies don't claim them first).

I've liked everything I've had from Nyx so far so I suspect I'll adore the gold shadow.

That only leaves the mascara and eye pencil...I suspect it'll take me a few weeks before I get the chance to try them. So, as always, if they're super awesome, I'll do a post devoted to them.

Despite these notes, I'm pleased with this month's bag. Thanks, Ipsy! <3


  1. I like Nyx, it's cheap and I get a good bang for my buck. I don't do facemasks either, I break out!

    1. You two ladies *shakes head* I'm going to be trying out the face masks soon - maybe tomorrow :D

  2. Super jealous, you got the gold shadow! I got a grayish black color that I won't be using probably.
