September 2013 Ipsy Spoiler / Sneak Peek

We finally have the first Ipsy spoiler *happy dance*

1. NYX Cosmetics Single Eye Shadow

2. Elizabeth Mott - It's So Big Volumizing Mascara

3, 4, 5. Variation items. Three items from the list below will be in your bag this month
Cailyn - Tinted Lip Balm
?? John Freida Full Repair
?? John Freida Full Repair
?? Face Mask
Freeman Beauty - Brightening Paper Mask
Skyn Iceland - Hydro Firming Eye Gels
Victoria Jackson - Taupe Brow Pencil
Starlooks - Obsidian Kohl Eye Pencil
Jesse's Girl Waterproof Liquid Eyeliner
J.Cat Beauty - Fantabulous Lipstick - Honey Crisp
Butter London Nail Polish
Pop Beauty - Pouty Pop Crayon
Chella - Ivory Lace Highlighter Pencil

The bag:

What items are you hoping for in your bag this month?

Anya's August Ipsy Bag


The contents of my Ipsy bag this month is as follows:
  • Michael Todd True Organics Jojoba Charcoal Facial Scrub
  • pixi Lash Booster Mascara N.02 Blackest Black
  • Chella Dazzling Dark Brown Eyebrow Color
  • Pacifica Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream all-in-one
  • noya kosher cherry lip balm

Michael Todd True Organics Jojoba Charcoal Facial Scrub

I was all out of facial cleanser so I was thrilled to get this in my bag. However, upon using it, I broke out a bit more than usual. I'm not sure if that's a timing issue or not. The scrub does exfoliate fairly well. But it's black. That's a bit off-putting. As far as smell goes, it's not a bad odor but it's also not a good one.

Here's a photo of the actual scrub:

pixi Lash Booster Mascara N.02 Blackest Black

I've not been terribly impressed with the pixi products I've tried thus far... And this one is mediocre. But then I'm a bit spoiled as far as mascara goes.

Chella Dazzling Dark Brown Eyebrow Color

This fine-tipped pencil claims to be dark brown. Against my brows it seems a warmer brown. It's easy to use and does a pretty good job of pretending to be eyebrow hairs ;) But I'm not sure I'd regularly use this over my brow powder.

Pacifica Alight Multi-Mineral BB Cream all-in-one

I love the Pacifica perfume we got a few months back so I was optimistic about this product. I used it last week and even took a before and after shot. Unfortunately the after shot looked the same  as the after shot. I really have no idea how I'm supposed to use a BB cream. I tried it all by its lonesome all day but didn't notice anything one way or the other. But that could be a I didn't notice it on my skin.

noya kosher cherry lip balm

I'm more of a lip gloss kind of gal rather than lipstick, so this was probably the better choice to send me. I've been using this for two weeks. It's basically Chapstick. But kosher (is Chapstick not kosher?) I haven't needed to use it as often as some of my other lip glosses/balms so I guess that's a plus.

Findings: Overall I was pleased with the array of products this month even if I didn't fall in love with any of them.

August 2013 Loot Crate

I got my August Loot Crate in the mail today! I'm super excited, the theme this month was Cake. Which of course means Portal. If you're not aware, I'm a huge fan of Portal, and the song gets stuck in my head quite frequently. Not sure what song I mean, here you go!
Anyway on to what I received in my box this month.

Caffeine Power Up Shirt - Shirt.Woot!
Aperture Laboratories Lanyard - Crowded Coop and Value
Aperture Laboratories Test Subject Wristband - Crowded Coop and Value
Aperture Laboratories Temporary Tattoo - Crowded Coop and Value
AMC Walking Dead Mystery Mini - Funko and AMC
Loot Crate Sticker Set - Loot Crate Labs
Jelly Beans - Jelly Belly

If I wind up using the temporary tattoo, I'll make sure to use it on either my or my boyfriend's forehead and upload a picture.

Wanna sign up for Loot Crate and use my referral code because you love me? HERE is the link.

Special K Nourish


This is another pack I got from BzzAgent. I was thrilled to get this one! Here are my reviews:

Cranberry almond nutrition bar: this is a nutty, fruity bar that is just heavy enough to quiet hunger without being too heavy. The cranberry ratio wasn't overpowering yet there was plenty to remind me that I was eating something with cranberry. In other words, it was the perfect mix.

Dark chocolate nut delight nutrition bar: this is a dry, nutty bar with a little bit of what looks like chocolate glazed over the top. This bar seemed denser than the cranberry almond but that may have been the heavy faux-chocolate taste I didn't particularly like.

lemon twist nutrition bar: like the chocolate nut bar, this lemony concoction had a little bit of glaze drizzled over the top. It had the same consistency of the cranberry bar without the nuts. The lemon taste was powerful but not eye-watering. I'd count this as my second favorite of the three.

Cranberry almond hot cereal: I used the "preferred" steeping method of pouring hot water up to the fill line in the bowl and letting it sit for 2-3 minutes. This resulted in a very soupy instant oatmeal texture. The included foil packet had dried cranberries and chunks of almond. Despite the soupy consistency and lukewarm temperature, it wasn't bad. I couldn't quite place the flavor beyond the cranberry but I'd guess it was brown sugar and cinnamon.

Cinnamon Raisin Pecan hot cereal: I tried the microwave method of pouring 1/2 cup of cold water into the bowl, microwaving for 30seconds, and then letting it sit for 1-2 minutes. The result was still a soupy instant oatmeal texture. The included foil packet had raisins and and chunks of pecan. This had a brown sugar and cinnamon taste.

Maple brown sugar crunch hot cereal: For this one I went back to steeping but put in less water. It didn't turn out well. The flavor was okay but not spectacular. The highlight? The nuts (almonds I think).

Given the price on these hot cereals (something like $4 for a 2-pack), I unfortunately won't be buying any of them.

Sephora Ariel Set the Mood Compact

I was lucky enough to purchase the Ariel compact from Sephora the day it hit the website. The box is beautiful and the outside of the compact is so gorgeous! What was your favorite item in the Sephora Ariel line?

The inside of the compact says "you've got to be you".
While I don't think this is as pretty as the Jasmine compact, it is still gorgeous.