July Julep "It Girl" Box


For July's Julep Box I went back to my usual "It Girl" with the three polishes. The colors are:
  • Angela -- Deep sea blue molten with a chrome finish
  • Tracy -- Sparkly ocean blue sea salt
  • Nadia -- Sun-kissed golden frost
  • Bonus: Green Tea Facial Blotting Papers (40 sheets)

I bought two add-ons:

  • Blakely -- Purple and green molten with a chrome finish
  • Adele -- Golden reflective top coat with a "Holographic" finish

Here's a swatch of Angela:

Here's a shot of Tracy and then one of Tracy's sea salt texture:

Here's Nadia swatched. A few of these have 1 thin coat and the other are 1 thick coat:

Here's Add-on Blakely Swatched:

Here's Add-on Adele on top of Blakely Swatched:

And another:


  1. Replies
    1. Me too! But it looks like a pain to take off with all the glitters.

    2. Yes, removal is basically like a glitter :/
