Guest Post: Sultry Red Eye Tutorial

Start with a clean face. Apply your foundation, cover-up, powder, etc. If you don't normally wear all or some of that stuff, that's fine. I'm mentioning it because I put it all on for this tutorial and wanted to make sure I included everything! Here is an overview of the products I'm using today.

If you want a great How-to on applying any or all of it the base stuff, Ms. MaskCara on YouTube has awesome tutorials...this one is useful for foundation and “prep”work

The products I've used for foundation and prep are, and in order of application:

1. Boots No7 True Identity Foundation in Light
2. Maybelline SuperStay 24 Correcteur in Light and Deep Beige ~ side note on concealers...I frequently blend 2 colors to achieve a tone that most correctly matches my skin...this is also useful for anyone whose skin varies with even the slightest amount of sun so you don't have to keep going out and buying new products every 5 minutes.
3. L'Oreal MagicLumi Concealer in Light ~ I usually dab this under eyes and on lid, pat around, wait a few seconds, then blend in. Regular concealer can give a very flat non-skin look and this product brings some dewy, reflective quality back so the area looks more natural.
4. Hourglass Ambient Lighting Powder in Dim Light ~ I recently found this product at Sephora. It's very expensive, so I don't use it as an every day thing, but it's basically like taking the Blur tool in photoshop and dusting your skin with it! It creates a very soft focus illusion over the skin and I love the effect. Subtle, but amazing.

Then you want to add a little blush and maybe a touch of eyebrow pencil. Keep it very light and soft-handed...this look is about a nice romantic glow effect. We don't want harsh, contoured cheekbones or brows, because that would give this a cartoon-y appearance.

1. I used Wet n Wild Coloricon Blusher in Pearlescent Pink on cheeks
2. I dabbed a TINY bit of a taupe colored eye liner pencil in my brows and smudged the crap out of it just to give a slightly more defined and filled in look. Some people love the drawn on Disney villian eyebrow thing, I can't stand it. I think it ruins every look. Unless Halloween is what you are going for, I can't emphasize enough how important a light hand is for eyebrow fill! *climbs off soapbox*

Ok, so now you want to wash your hands. You're going to use your fingertips to apply the MAIN EVENT and they need to be clean from any previous makeup.

The MAIN EVENT eyecolor is by Maybelline. It's the Color Tattoo 24Hr Eyeshadow (cream) in Pomegranate Punk.

Get some on your clean fingertip. Not a lot, a little goes a long way with this stuff. You can always add more if you want.

Pulling your eyelid taut with one hand, dab the color on it. Smudge the eyecolor around, staying within the confines of your lid. Use a clean finger to clean up the edges and finish it up. It should not extend up onto your browbone unless you have very deep set eyes, then you can extend it up a little ways so it's visible.

Now, using the red crayon...I'm using Tarte LipSurgence in Swank (yes, I use lip pencil on my eyes, eye pencil on my me crazy, but I like to make my products multi-task. My only caveat is some people might find a lip product irritates their eyes, and I generally swipe the surface with a tissue to clean it before switching between lips, eyes, etc.) Line your upper lid with the red lip crayon, and gently soften it with a clean pinky so it's not a defined line. Soften it in a gentle upwards direction so it merges and blends with the Pomegranate base.

(Before Red line smudged)

(After red line smudged)

Now for the final step, you can simply swipe mascara of your choice and go, or you can apply fake lashes. This is with regular Maybelline Illegal Lengths Waterproof Mascara in Very Black.

And this is with the falsies...(again, I recommend Ms. MaskCara for a How-To for applying can be found here...

I used Andrea modLash lashes in Style 21, DUO adhesive, and benefit BAD gal lash mascara.

So, there you have it! Sultry red eyes...Have fun!
~Rebecca L. Fisk~


  1. yay! Thanks for having me and my eyeballs! ;)

    1. They're pretty, feel free to come back any time <3

  2. Awesome tutorial. I love how subtle that red eyeliner ends up being. It's very nice.

  3. oooh I want! I wonder if it'll look good on my skin tone! So far the only colors I like on my brown skin are corals, golds, browns, dark greens and beige. :S

    1. Try it out!! The revlon color tattoo thingy isn't too expensive and it lasts for freaking ever :)
