Fekkai Influenster Box


I got into the Fekkai Influenster Box, here's what was inside:
  • Fekkai PrX Reparatives Shampoo Sample
  • Fekkai PrX Reparatives Conditioner Sample
  • Fekkai PrX Reparatives Intense Fortifying Masque - Travel Size ($8)

First off, this stuff smells amazing, AMAZING. The scent reminds me of Bath & Body Works' Warm Vanilla Sugar lotion, except for hair. I literally oooooh'd when I tore open the packet. The shampoo has the most fragrance but all of the products had the vanilla scent.

Cleansing wise, this does as well as all of the other shampoos I've tried. I don't really notice the products doing anything extraordinary in terms of conditioning my hair, even the Intense Fortifying Masque. But no conditioners really do much for my super fine and slightly wavy hair. Since I have to flat iron my hair every day, that's probably to be expected.

Conclusion: If you buy hair products based on scent, buy this right now.

1 comment:

  1. oooh I remember this brand when I worked @ Bath & Body Works. Not sure if they still carry them but I loved it when they gave us samples of the products :D
