Influenster Rimmel Badge


A few months back I got in on the Influenster Rose Voxbox. I did a few of the tasks and earned myself the Rimmel Badge. They picked me to send goodies! Here's what I got:

  • Two Scandaleyes Precision Micro Eyeliners in "Black"
  • Lash Accelerator Endless Mascara in "Black"
  • Showoff Lip Lacquer in "Big Bang"
  • Showoff Lip Lacquer in "Celestial"
Given how many mascara tubes I have, I likely won't open this one (especially considering one of those tubes is a different Rimmel product). But I'm excited about the eyeliner and lip lacquer!

1 comment:

  1. Mascara, I swear by Cover Girl. I forgot the name but I know it when I see it (see, I'm not a make-up person, I just pretend). And do try the lacquer lip thingy, I want to see how rich it is.
