November - Sephora Samples


This is a super late post. But I've finally gotten through three of the four samples I'd gotten in a November Sephora order.

I don't have anything groundbreaking to report about any of them.

  • Ren Clean Skincare was ridiculously fluid. I cut a corner of it with scissors and it all came pouring out all over the place. Not terribly pleased with that. The fluid had an odd smell that lingered for a good fifteen minutes. The directions say to apply it at night. I did that. And it made my skin shiny right up until I put something over it in the morning. I didn't notice any changes to my skin but maybe you need multiple applications. Needless to say, I won't be buying any of this.
  • DERMAdoctor KP duty wasn't anything spectacular either. I used it on my elbows, which are fairly dry right now. I did it over 3 days' time and noted nothing beyond what a typical body lotion would do.
  • Lancome -- I can't find this sample now so I can't report on it, sorry!
  • Too Faced Primed & Poreless -- I have HUGE pores so I was thrilled to get something that would help with this. This product, however, did little to help and it wasn't terribly good as a primer alone either.

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