Lace-like Nails

Melissa Tweeted me a picture of someone's lace-like manicure with French tipped nails last week. I'd never actually tried a normal French Manicure mostly because I have prominent tips as it is, though not bright white like these. So I decided to try it. 

My first attempt was done with China Glaze White on White for both the tips and the stamp (BM-201).

The second one used the China Glaze for the tips and Konad stamping polish in White for the stamp (Mash-40). 

Clearly the Konad is a brighter white in one coat.

I used guides for the tips on all of these (Nailene Perfect Tips) and set the guides beneath my actual white tips (hence why they're uneven).

I need a bit more practice on this and probably better designs but the effect is nice!


  1. Love it! I was going to ask what your current mani was but just saw this *happy dance*

  2. Chances are good I'll be watching YouTube videos for the rest of the day about nail stamping. :(
