Zoya Deal Haul + Swatches


Last month Zoya had a deal: get three polishes for the price of shipping (which, incidentally was $15). But with the purchase came a trio of mini polishes. I thought it was a pretty good deal, considering these polishes retail for $9-10.

Here's what I got:

The mini trio: Severine, Anais, Charlott

The three I picked: Autumn, Remy, Chantal

Swatches, one coat of Severine, Charlott, Anais, and Severine again.

Swatches, two coats of Severine, Charlott, Anais, and Severine again.

A few coats of Chantal.

Swatches, one coat of Autumn, Remy, Autumn, Remy

Swatches, two coats of Autumn, Remy, Autumn, Remy

What do you think?

Julep - February Box


This month's Julep box was jam packed!

Someone was a good monkey because she got extras *beams*
Several bottles of this month's freebie, Hartleigh to be exact.

In this box:
Hartleigh - heart holo glitter
Colton - cream black lavender
Becky - silk finish indigo
Illume Face & Eye Brightener

Colton on left, Becky on right

The freebie, Hartleigh

A swatch of Becky

Supposedly it's a silk finish but I didn't notice that. It's nice in any case.

One coat of Hartleigh.

Two coats of Hartleigh

And one coat of Colton.
It's so dark, basically black, but bleeds the lavender color you see on my pinky.

I've not gotten a chance to try out Illume, but it looks good, too!

Thanks for stopping by. Have a great month <3

BoxyCharm - January


Woo wee, this month's box is insane.

Once again, time got away from me.
I got this box on the 18th and am only just sitting down to type up anything about it.

While I'm pleased with the value of this $21 subscription box, the only thing I'll likely use out of this is the lip pencil. The other items aren't really my thing. That said, I'm not opening them because I'd like to be able to give them to someone else.

Interested in any? Keep an eye out for the next giveaway!

Julep Box - January


For January's Julep Box, I picked a special collection and I'm so pleased with it.

In the box was:

  • Elixer Argan oil
  • Bare Face Cleansing Oil
  • Luxe Lip Conditioning Treatment
  • Special free top coat

The top coat gives any polish a mother of pearl look. Sorry for the lack of pictures on that one...I pulled the polish off when I swatched February's box :/

I adore Julep's bare face cleansing oil. This stuff is better than baby oil at getting make-up off, and it doesn't leave an oily finish. I highly suggest it for removing everything, even stuck on eyeliner & mascara.

The elixir is...well, Argan oil. So if you like that, you'll like this.

And the lip conditioning treatment seems to do a good job, but like any lip treatment, if you use it for a while, you'll probably have to keep using it...or something otherwise you lips will become chapped.

Thanks for reading! <3