Julep - December Box


For December's Julep box, I ordered on a few add-ons and earned a freebie (the plumping lip primer).

Here's what I got:

  • Polish - Logan
  • Polish - Nell
  • Polish - Sawyer
  • Dancing Lipstick Mini Trio
  • Blank canvas lip plumping primer
  • Oxygen performance top coat

The swatch above is as follows:
Pinky - 1 coat of Logan
Ring finger - 1 coat of Nell
Middle finger - 1 coat of Sawyer
Index finger - 2 coats of Logan

BoxyCharm December Box


This month's BoxyCharm was a big one!

Unfortunately I had no time to test anything out, hence why it's January 18th and you're just now seeing the box.

On top of that, the lip color isn't in my range, I don't use hairspray, and I gave the brush to a friend. That leaves the coastal scents palette. I will eventually try it out. As usual, if it's super awesome, I'll do another post about it.