Deborah Lippmann Nail Polishes on SALE

$6.99 for a Deborah Lippmann nail polish? Count me in!

Beauty Brands is having a sale right now, go check it out HERE.

FiberOne Meal Bars


I got these FiberOne meal bars free from BzzAgent in two flavors: Strawberry Greek Yogurt and Chocolate Peanut Butter. They also sent coupons. Hooray for coupons!

After the caramel nut chewy protein bars I'd bought ages ago were dry and tasted like cardboard, I was concerned these meal bars would have the same problem. The strawberry flavor tastes pretty good. The line of fruit is moisture the bar needs. It could use a little more, though. Unfortunately the chocolate peanut butter lacks a line of fruit, making it a bit on the dry side. I'm also not a big fan of peanut butter. I would not buy that flavor again, but I would buy the strawberry flavor.

These meal bars are 1/4 larger than the FiberOne chewy protein bars (45g versus 33g). They're more filling than most of the breakfast bars I've had. But I'm not sure I'd call them an entire meal. Maybe that's the fat girl talking. I was able to make it to lunch without needing to raid my chocolate drawer, so perhaps it helped curb cravings after all (though I'd like to think self-control plays a part).

Just remember, breakfast IS important. So if you're on the run, grab something to eat!

Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive Razor


Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive Razor

I received the Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive razor for free via Influenster. I have sensitive skin and shaving my legs is a pain, I always get red bumps aka razor burn so I didn't have high hopes for this razor to begin with.

I tried out the razor and used lotion afterwards and much to my surprise my legs did not suffer. The only difference this time around was the razor, so I know I'll be repurchasing the Gillette Venus Embrace Sensitive razors in the future. The only thing I did notice is that my hair grew back much faster than normal. While my legs felt silky smooth immediately after, I'm thinking the shave wasn't as close as I'm used to, which could be why there wasn't razor burn this time around.

Pro: No razor burn
Con: Not as close of a shave as non-sensitive skin razors
Final Verdict: Like it! I will be repurchasing.

Sephora Birthday Gift 2014

I got an email from Sephora a few weeks ago and one of the images caught my attention. It looks like the birthday gift this year is different. Both items will be deluxe sized minis, but they're from the brand Make Up For Ever.

Make Up For Ever - Rogue Artist Natural Lipstick
Make Up For Ever - Smoky Extravagant Mascara

Anya's January Ipsy Bag


  • Épicé Purifying Exfoliant
  • Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair!™ Deep Conditioning Mask
  • MicaBeauty Tinted Lip Balm
  • Proactiv+ Mark Fading Pads
  • yaby Liquid Foundation

Purifying Exfoliant by Épicé

This stuff seems nice. The "Micro-fine polyspheres" feel like very fine sand. They do make skin softer and exfoliated. I'm pleased with this sample. Not sure if I'd pay extra for it over a drugstore brand, but I do like it. Just make sure you have some moisturizer on hand because it can dry out your skin.

Briogeo Don’t Despair, Repair!™ Deep Conditioning Mask

This has a tangy scent that isn't fruity, but isn't bad. I little didn't go a long way, but for me that's the case on any conditioner. I didn't notice any change in my hair.

MicaBeauty Tinted Lip Balm

I adore my Mica gel eyeliner from an older Ipsy bag, so a lip gloss in a neutral color from them got me excited. On me the tint is understated while still visible, which is nice. But it also stained my teeth in an overstated way, which isn't nice.

Proactiv+ Mark Fading Pads

I haven't tried this yet and probably won't get to it soon enough to review.

yaby Liquid Foundation

This stuff doesn't look terribly impressive, and since I have a shiny new tube of Tarte Amazonian Clay, I don't need a lesser foundation. This will get put into a bag for future giveaways.

Sale: Sally Beauty ORLY Polish - Buy One Get One Free


I popped into my local Sally's Beauty this weekend because I had a 15% coupon. The gal promptly told me they were having a sale on ORLY nail polish, buy one get one free. The sale is good through 1/31/14.

I grabbed a basket because I love this polish.

The regular colors are $6.99 a bottle ($6.49 if you're a beauty club card member). So you'll get two bottles for $7. Great deal for decent polish.

You can get this deal online, too. Use code "444239" at checkout, but the web site only seems to honor one free bottle. And the shipping cost is $5.95. So I'd head out to your local store for this deal to save a few dollars.

You might want to grab one of their flyers, or print out that page (here's a link to the flyer) since it says "with coupon". Just in case :)

Shea Terra Organic's January 2014 Coupon Code

I got this coupon via email the other day and thought I'd share it with all of you. I love the Shea Terra Organics brand, their body Whipped Shea Butter Body Creme is a favorite of mine. 

Save a whopping 30% off all Shea Terra Organics' supreme and naturally effective skin, hair and body care. Pamper. Indulge. Look years younger. You deserve it.

Use code jan2014 to get 30% OFF your online order of high quality Shea Terra Organics' products. 

Hurry, deal ends JAN 31, 2014.

January 2014 Ipsy Spoiler / Sneak Peek

I can't believe it's already January 2014! We have our first Ipsy spoiler for the month, and bags should be shipping pretty soon. I'm excited!

JANUARY 2014 GLAM BAG SNEAK PEEK #1: Fabulous lips, Fabulous life! One of these lip products will give you a reason to have some adventure this new year!

1. Malin & Goetz - Mojito Lip Balm, MicaBeauty - Tinted Lip Balm

JANUARY 2014 GLAM BAG SNEAK PEEK #2: So many beautiful horizons ahead! Make your 2014 your mostly beautiful year ever with one of these great products.

2. Yaby - Foundation, Elizabeth Mott - Smooth Shadow Creamy Eye Pencil

JANUARY 2014 GLAM BAG SNEAK PEEK #3: Gorgeous for 2014, 24/7! From desk to dinner, your lovely look will last with one of these awesome products. 

3. One of these products will be in your bag this month.

Briogeo - Don't Despair, Repair! Deep Conditioning Mask
Coastal Scents - Classic Foundation Small Synthetic Brush
Healthy Sexy Hair - Soy Tri-Wheat Leave In Conditioner
Marula Pure Marula Facial Oil
Benefit Cosmetics - the POREfessional

JANUARY 2014 GLAM BAG SNEAK PEEK #4: The 2014 adventure begins now! Start it off right with two of these picks in your January Glam Bag!

4. Two of these items will be in your bag this month.

Willa - On the Go - Lavender Face Towelettes
Proactiv+ Mark Fading Pads
Balanced Guru Balm Me Up
Nourish Organic Lightweight Moisturizing Face Lotion
Faith Aromatherapy Tahitian Monoi Anti-Aging Sugar Scrub
Alterna Caviar Anti-Aging Dry Shampoo
Apothederm Bright Skin Serum
LeeAnni - 3 in 1 Revolotion
SKIIN Soothing and Smoothing Eye Cream

The Bag

3 "Free" bottles of Zoya Polish ($12 shipping/handling)


Let Zoya Color Your World in 2014 with

3 FREE Bottles of Any Zoya Nail Polish Colors.

Just Pay Promotional Shipping & Processing

Use Code: COLOR2014

See Full Details at

Here are more details about this from their website:

1.   Add at least (3) Zoya Nail Polish shades to your shopping cart, along with any additional items you wish to purchase (don’t forget - spend $25 to qualify for free shipping).

2.   Enter Code COLOR2014 into the coupon code field in cart and press "Apply Code".

3.   Complete Check-Out, Review & Submit Order.

Shipping & Processing Fee of $12 applies.

Valid online at 12 PM EST, 01/07/14 through 11:59pm EST, 01/13/2014.

Continental US only.

Note: If you put more than $50 in your cart, and apply the coupon, it looks as though the shipping & processing fee is waved...but you have to pay the difference after the three free polishes.

Just beware, Zoya has gone back on deals like this before when people found loopholes.

Julep December Box "Classic with a Twist"


This month I switched to "Classic with a Twist" for the Julep box.
  • Sweep Eyeshadow Palette: Neutrals
  • Jillian: "Deep eggplant with bronze molten"
  • Mia: "Greenish silver metallic"
  • Two twist bands
Here's what was inside:

Here's swatches of Mia:

I didn't really see any green in it.

Here's a swatch of Jillian:

The eyeshadow palette is a good value based on what I paid ($20 for the whole box). Here's the picture of me after using it:

All in all, I'm pleased with December's box!

Anya's December Ipsy Bag


There were several full-sized items in this month's Ipsy, making it a sweet deal. Here is what I got:
Unfortunately the por femme perfume had leaked out all over the cardboard packet (you can see in the picture that only about 1/4 is left). But it didn't stain the ipsy bag, so that's good.

The pop beauty trio was okay.

I love the Demi lashes. Here's a photo of them: