100 Posts Giveaway - Win 22 Sinful Colors Polishes!


In honor of our 100th post here on Nailed at Night (N@N), we're holding a contest! w00 h00!

The winner will get twenty-two (22) various bottles of Sinful Colors polish. These go for about $2 a piece.

Full disclosure, these polishes have been used for swatches. A few have been used a little more than for swatches.

Celebrate with us and win some nail polish!

Here's the list of colors in order by number (scroll for better pictures).


  • 921 - All About You
  • 922 - Frenzy
  • 923 - Queen of Beauty
  • 927 - Nail Junkie

Cream Glitters

  • 839 - Sugar Sugar
  • 841 - Daddys Girl
  • 842 - Out of this World
  • 860 - Mercury Rising
  • 933 - Secret Admirer
  • 943 - Hot Spot


  • 30 - Courtney Orange
  • 101 - Show Me White
  • 112 - Tokyo Pearl
  • 114 - Shausha
  • 121 - Merlot
  • 264 - Vacation Time
  • 929 - Lets Talk
  • 948 - Last Chance
  • 949 - Nirvana
  • 951 - Why Not
  • Black Creme (the label fell off, sorry)
  • Iridescent Hunter Green (the label fell off, sorry)
I wasn't smart enough to match up the pictures to the list above, sorry guys! :/

a Rafflecopter giveaway

April 2013 Ipsy SPOILERS

It's time for spoilers again! This is for the April 2013 Ipsy bag. I will edit and upload more sneak peek pictures as they are released.

1. Be A Bombshell - Blush
The entire bag was posted on instagram by one of the "gurus". Here is a screen shot of it before she took it down.

Be A Bombshell - Blush (color in your bag will be random)
Mica eyeshadow (Earth) OR Two Cosmetics duo
Sation Nail Polish (color in your bag will be random)
Healthy Sexy Hair - Soy Renewal?

Mel's March 2013 Birchbox

I'm pretty sure this is going to be my final month subscribing to Birchbox. The sample sizes the last few months have been tiny and not very impressive, ranging from foil packets to decent sized samples, and a ton of perfume samples... Though this box has some awesome things I feel that my money is better spent elsewhere.

Anya's March Ipsy - LA Fresh, juice beauty, yaby and GlamRX


My Ipsy box finally came. Here's what was in it:
  • LA Fresh travel-lite Makeup Remover Wipes
  • Juice Beauty hydrating mist
  • GlamRX Mini Freestyle Palette
  • yaby eyeshadow "Seashell"
  • yaby eyeshadow "Azalea Petal"

yaby shadows

I was initially so excited to finally get some shadow colors I'd actually use. However when I did the swatch of them, I was very disappointed. You can barely see them on me. I'll try another with eyeshadow primer. 

But here they are without primer:

GlamRX Mini Freestyle Palette

The palette itself is adorable though I don't have any other magnetic...anything so I'm not sure what I'll do with it. The shadows do slide around inside if you shake it, so be careful about that.

LA Fresh travel-lite Makeup Remover Wipes

These have a baby powder-like scent that I didn't like at all. It was baby powder + some unknown thing that just screamed antiseptic or old lady. Nevertheless I tried the wipe. 

The cloth was soft but fairly thin and not as large as the other wipes in this class I've tried. It did a good job of cleaning off my make-up and didn't irritate my eyes. However it did irritate the skin around my nose. Occasionally my skin behaves as if its sensitive. I haven't figured out what sets it off, but it's definitely something in this wipe. The irritation went away after a few minutes but in its place was an itchy sensation (again, might be something my skin is sensitive to). I got so fed up with the itch that I grabbed an Equate make-up remover wipe. I was shocked at how much MORE make-up came off (but the itchy went away).

Basically, I won't be using these again.

Juice Beauty hydrating mist

I like that this is a huge sample. To be honest I'm not sure what to do with it. Spray it on my face? I tried that and put it on my arm and didn't notice much to write home about. But the scent is kind of driving me crazy. It's kind of rose but kind of not and it reminds me of old ladies (yes, again).

Steak n' Shake's Salted Caramel Pretzel Shake


The newest flavors over at Steak n' Shake are Salted Caramel Pretzel and Red Velvet.

We got a coupon for buy one get one free on those flavors. So we bought one of each. MG likes red velvet so he took that one and I'm a fan of salted caramel so I tried that.

The photograph is of the salted caramel pretzel.

The red velvet looked red/purpleish like red velvet (I didn't get a photo of it, sorry). And it tasted just like red velvet cake. So if you like that sort of thing, you'll love this. MG certainly did.

Salted caramel pretzel is pretty good even though I'm not a fan of pretzels. It's a lot like the salted caramel shake from Red Robin but with chunks... 

If you've got a Steak n' Shake nearby, you should try one of these :)

Sample Society March


This month I decided to skip Birch box and try out a new service. After checking around at a few of the others, I went with Beauty Bar's "Sample Society". It's $15 a month.

Here's what came in the box (Society March Kit E):

  • Oscar Blandi Pronto Wet Instant Volumizing Conditioner
  • Murad Essential-C Day Moisture
  • Hollywood Fashion Tape
  • Butter London "Diamond Geezer"
  • Lashfood Nano-Peptide Natural Eyebrow Conditioner

Here's the box as it comes:

In the below swatch I have 1 coat on my index and ring fingers and 2 coats on my pinky and middle fingers.

I haven't tried any of the other products in this box yet. And I will eventually, but I can't imagine any of them are going to generate glowing reviews from me--simply because I'm not terribly into these types of products.

Update: 11:12pm -- I just tried the conditioner. The directions say to rinse it in "cool water" psshaa. Right. In any case, I don't need body since I flat iron it to get rid of crazy, unruly hair.

In terms of the box's value, two of these products were full-sized. The Butter London polish is a 4oz bottle. I compared it to other bottles I have and also checked Sephora's web site to make sure. Those polishes retail for $15. The Fashion Tape was also full-sized, worth $9.25. So for a service that cost $15, I made out like a bandit.

There is also a coupon for $15 off $50 or more if you use it by April 30 AND you include a product by one of the brands in that current month's box.

China Glaze Ombre Sets - "Grape Expectations" and "Sweet Sensations"


After buying the Teal Ombre set for the $12.99 (price good through 3/31 at Sally's), I decided I wanted more. So I went back to Sally's and bought both of the other two Ombre sets.

China Glaze Ombre - "Grape Expectations" and "Sweet Sensations"

Grape Expectations includes full-sized bottles of these colors:

  • Sweet Hook
  • Spontaneous
  • Grape Pop
  • Crimson (which isn't red at all??)

Sweet Sensations includes:

  • Angel's Breath
  • Something Sweet
  • Dance Baby
  • Make An Entrance

Here's the other one (fuzzy photo):

And the pink one on my nails:

ORLY "Sweet Peacock"


I grabbed this polish "Sweet Peacock" during Sally Beauty's recent by buy 2 ORLY for $11.
It's a beautiful color.

Check it out on my nails:

Here it is stamped:

All in all, not a bad polish.

Anya's Ipsy February


I'm a bit behind on February's Ipsy bag. I apologize.

I've only gotten a chance to try out the Pop mascara and the MICA Beauty Cosmetics gel eyeliner.

The mascara wasn't anything to write home about.

That said, the gel eyeliner is GREAT--if you like gel eyeliner. It was a full-sized jar that goes on smooth and easily with a cheap'ish eyeliner brush I bought at Target. And it stays on all day. It does smudge if you rub your eyes but it's not too bad. The only complaint I have with it is that its very hard to get all of it clean compared to my other eyeliners.

As usual, the coastal scent eyeshadows just aren't any colors I'm into.

I'm also pretty vested in te primers I have so I haven't gotten around to trying the pixi.

And lash cards? *shrug* Not sure that will ever get used.

China Glaze Ombre "Wait Teal You See It"


I saw this package at Sally's Beauty Supply this weekend for a mere $12.99 (price good through 3/31) and SNAPPED that baby up.

Why? Well, aside from ombre being the IN thing right now, these are FULL-SIZED bottles of China Glaze--4 of them, plus 10 sponges for $13.
The colors in this set are:

  • White on White
  • Aquadelic
  • For Audrey
  • Turned up Turquoise

Sally's charges something like $5 per bottle of China Glaze at least so this was a steal.

Here's a shot of the sponges:

This isn't my first attempt at Ombre. It's probably my fourth. But it's my first attempt with four colors and these sponges.

Here's the result on my left hand:

I didn't like the spotty look to it so I tried using my own make-up sponges on my right hand.
Take a look:

The polishes in this set are a great value however I'm not sold on the sponges.
That said, I'll probably go back and by the purple set they had.