Tutorial - Konad Nail Stamping

Several people have asked me how I get the fancy designs on my nails. I've tried to explain it. They usually give me a blank look no matter what I say, or how I gesture. I suppose it's an abstract idea until you see it in action. So here is a tutorial on how I do it. (But you may just be better off searching on YouTube).

The Tools

First you need a few tools to be able to pull this off with any degree of savvy. I may be a designer but I sure as heck can't paint intricate designs on my nails. Especially not the nails on the right hand. That's where image plates, the Konad stamper, and the scraper come in handy. In order of when they're used, here are the "tools" I used to do my nails today.
Finger Paints Polish
Seche Vite Top Coat

Base Coat

I used these first two to do the base coat. The Finger Paints polish is the dark green. And then the Seche Vite hardens/dries the polish faster so I don't have to wait as long before stamping. (P.S. I don't like the Seche Vite as much as Essie's "Good To Go" but I ran out of the Essie. I'm also not a big fan of the Finger Paints polish so I'm not providing a link to it).

Konad Stamp & Scraper
Konad Special White Stamping Polish & a Nail Buffer

Nail Buffer & Special White Polish

I actually used the pink nail buffer to buff my nails to a smooth shine before I polished them but for time's sake, I'm leaving that image out. This works just fine without buffed nails. Beneath the nail buff is the Konad Special White Polish. You can stamp with non-Konad polishes but it's kind of hit or miss on how it comes out. Plus the Konad white is the only white I've found that doesn't require multiple coats (which can't be done with stamping). Whatever you do, do NOT use any polish advertising that it dries quickly.

Konad Stamper and Scraper

The next tools are the Konad double stamper and scraper. These are a MUST.

Image Plate

I used the Bundle Monster image plate BM-215 for this. Specifically the snake skin image there on the right. You can see these are made of metal and the image is etched into the metal.

The Steps

Step 1 - Base Coat

As I mentioned above, I did the base coat with Finger Paint polish and then a fast drying top coat to cut down on the waiting time. Make sure your base coat is completely dry prior to stamping.

Step 2 - Apply Design Polish to Plate

First, be prepared to work FAST. Lay out all your tools ahead of time for easy access. Brush your desired polish over the image plate. Hurry to the next step! Note: If you're using the Konad Special Polish, I've found that you basically have to shake the bottle before each application. This isn't the case with regular polishes.

Step 3 - Scrape Excess

Using the metal scraper, quickly scrape the excess polish away from the design with one stroke if possible. Set the scraper aside.

Step 4 - Grab the image with the Stamper

Next take the stamper. Use the bigger end for whole nail designs or the small end for smaller designs. Place the stamper over the design and press. I've found that the harder you press, the WORSE this works. A quick, light press is generally the best.

Step 5 - Check The Image

Step 6 - Stamp

From one edge to the other (right to left or left to right), roll the stamper over your nail. The design will transfer to the nail.

Step 7 - Clean, Rinse, & Repeat

You'll need to wipe the plate and stamper down with nail polish remover in between each application. I use square cotton make-up pads to do this. I generally also clean the scraper and in between each application with the same square.

Step 8 - Wipe away Excess

If you like, you can dip a cotton swab into nail polish remover to remove any excess stamp design that may have transfered to your skin. I set the swab down on the excess, let it sit for a few seconds and then gently roll it.

Finished Designs

Here is the finished product. The left hand is the snake skin from the tutorial. On my right hand I did several other designs from other Bundle Monster image plates.

And that's how it's done. I hope you enjoyed this!